Singleton class not just once instantiated in php

I need a help with a singleton class. I`m creating a wordpress plugin, and need to have live notifications from server. For that I used AJAX long polling and my code looks like this.

This is a php code used for serving AJAX request and for LOG class which is singleton and called from many different places in project

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    if (isset($_GET['log']) && $_GET['log'] == 'true')
    $response = array();
    $response['msg'] = SI_log::get_instance()->get_message();
    $response['type'] = 'something';
    echo json_encode($response);

class SI_log{
    private $log_messages = array();
    private static $instance = NULL; 
    private $log_file;

    public static function get_instance()
        if (static::$instance === NULL) {
            static::$instance = new static();
        return static::$instance;

    public function add_message( $message, $type )
        array_push($this -> log_messages, $message);          

    public function get_message()
        return end($this->log_messages);

This is javascript for retrieving notifications and its a part of admin section in the wordpress.

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
        function waitForMsg(){
            document.getElementById("alerts").childNodes = new Array();
            var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
  'GET', '<?php echo get_site_url() . '/wp-content/plugins/si/admin/c-si-log.php?log=true'?>', true);
            request.onload = function() {
                if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 400) {
                    var resp = request.responseText;
                    var json = eval('('+resp+ ')');
                    document.getElementById("alerts").innerHTML= json['type'] +"<hr>";
                    if (json['type'] == 'WARNING'){
                        var html_element = '<div class="alert-message warning" id = "alert_warning"><div class="box-icon"></div><p>'+json['msg']+'</p></div>';
                    if (json['type'] == 'INFO'){
                        var html_element = '<div class="alert-message info" id = "alert_info"><div class="box-icon"></div><p>'+json['msg']+'</p></div>';
                    if (json['type'] == 'ERROR'){
                        var html_element = '<div class="alert-message errorr" id = "alert_error"><div class="box-icon"></div><p>'+json['msg']+'</p></div>';
                    document.getElementById("alerts") . innerHTML= html_element;

                    alert('<?php echo get_site_url() . '/wp-content/plugins/si/admin/c-si-log.php?log=true' ?>');

            request.onerror = function() {
              // There was a connection error of some sort
                alert("request isnt good");
        window.onload = function (){
            if (document.readyState != 'loading'){
            } else {
                document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', waitForMsg);

This is how is singleton class called from another class for notification input

SI_log::get_instance()->add_message("action triggered", 'INFO');

I assume the problem is singleton pattern implementation in SI_log class, so there is not only one instance of that class but many more, and when i try to retrieve the notification ie. when I trigger some action, notification isn`t stored in the same object. I used alert(resp); in cilent page to display response and response looks like this


and in log.php you can see that the type value is fine, so it’s not communication problem. Can anyone help me please?

NOTE: I must use Javascript because versioning problems so don’t ask me why i didn’t use JQuery

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1 comment

  1. The singleton pattern is useful when we need to make sure we only have a single instance of a class for the entire request lifecycle in a web application.

    So, you can’t do the thing you want to achieve in this way.

    Instead, use it as a base/parent class and extend it on other classes when you need it.