I have played around with filters for uploading files. The closest I have gotten is to have the files uploaded to the directory, but after the file uploads, I get a series of errors:
Undefined index: post_id
I think the issue is as simple as not having access to the current post id. I have tried $wp_query->post->ID;
and $post->ID
and neither seem to work.
These files would always be associated with a post.
The last iteration of the code I am using:
// filter for uploads
function ml_media_upload_dir($upload) {
$id = $_REQUEST['post_id'];
$parent = get_post( $id )->post_parent;
if (isset($_REQUEST['post_id'])) {
$upload['path'] = "/foo/www/folder/blog/wp-content/uploads/" . $id;
$upload['url'] = "http://foo.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/" . $id;
$upload['basedir'] = "/foo/www/folder/blog/wp-content/uploads/" . $id;
$upload['baseurl'] = "http://foo.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/" . $id;
if (!file_exists("/foo/www/folder/blog/wp-content/uploads/" . $id)) {
mkdir("/foo/www/folder/blog/wp-content/uploads/" . $id, 0777);
return $upload;
add_filter('upload_dir', 'ml_media_upload_dir');
I even tried adding another ‘insert media’ link with the post_action=1 param to test.
How can I ensure that if there is a post_id, that the file gets loaded into the specific folder?
Any help..
Check if the argument is present, and if it isn’t return the default value: