How to save media files under custom folder without changing wp-config.php or changing media settings

I want to upload images in a unique folder. Then retrieve the path of this image saved on server like

Now I want to save this URL in a post having custom field as url.

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I’ll be overwriting the posts on regular basis as well as replacing corresponding images, so I don’t want to keep the images related to previous posts (deleted posts) on my server (otherwise it would increase the memory on server). I want to delete all the images from myimages folder. I don’t want to change the default path for uploads. Here’s my code for creating the post:

$new_post = array(
'post_title' => $phototitle,
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_author' => 1,
'post_type' => 'post',
'post_category' => array(328)


require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/media.php');
require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php');
require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php');
$image = media_sideload_image($photourl, $postid, $phototitle);

$path = (string)$image;
$arr = (explode("'",$path));
$url = $arr[1];


Please tell me how to change this upload path without making any change in wp-config.php or media settings.

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  1. Here is simple function to create your own sub directory for every upload.

    function kv_custom_image_dir( $pathdata ) {
        $subdir = '/uploads_img'.$pathdata['subdir'];
        $pathdata['path'] = str_replace($pathdata['subdir'], $subdir, $pathdata['path']);
        $pathdata['url'] = str_replace($pathdata['subdir'], $subdir, $pathdata['url']);
        $pathdata['subdir'] = str_replace($pathdata['subdir'], $subdir, $pathdata['subdir']);
        return $pathdata;
    add_filter( 'upload_dir', 'kv_custom_image_dir' );

    From my above code, I changed my images folder as uploads_img, you can change yours likewise.

    If you want more information, I wrote a tutorial for changing upload directories for every custom upload, take a look at my blog:

  2. Notice: Haven’t tested my idea or code provided below.

    *media_sideload_image* calls *wp_handle_upload* function which, suprisingly, handles file upload.

    Upload dir is set via *wp_upload_dir* function. This function has a filter which can be used to modify it’s output (see

    $uploads = apply_filters( 'upload_dir',
        'path'    => $dir,
        'url'     => $url,
        'subdir'  => $subdir,
        'basedir' => $basedir,
        'baseurl' => $baseurl,
        'error'   => false,
    ) );

    So hooking into that filter via:

    add_filter( 'upload_dir', 'my_upload_dir_function' );
    function my_upload_dir_function( $uploads ){
        if( isset( $_POST['my_check_post_var'] ) && $_POST['my_check_post_var'] == 'my_check_var_value' ){
            return array(
                'path'    => $dir, //have to be set
                'url'     => $url, //have to be set
                'subdir'  => $subdir, //have to be set
                'basedir' => $basedir, //have to be set
                'baseurl' => $baseurl, //have to be set
                'error'   => false,
            return $uploads;

    The code pressume, that you have a hidden field in your code which set’s a check var with specific value agains you check in your filter. If that $_POST var is not present or has a different value, you return original array – thus you won’t break a standard image uploads.

    And of course, you have to create all variables used in the filter, eg. $dir, $url etc. Check to get and idea how WP does this.

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