How to create sub menu with a URL parameter?

I would like to add parameter for the submenus, but when I click to the admin page I receive the following message:

You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.

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'Sandbox Options',          

Without &tab=4 everything is okay.

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  1. You’d have to manipulate the global $submenu and modify the link in it. Or use jQuery.

    The following example adds a submenu in the Dashboard menu and changes the destination link just after. The submenu page will dump the contents of the global var.

    add_action( 'admin_menu', function()
            'Sandbox Options',          
            function() { global $submenu; var_dump($submenu); }
        global $submenu; 
        $submenu['index.php'][11][2] = 'index.php?page=sandbox_options&tab=3';


    The example given, Redux Framework, uses the following technique:

    • Add a menu page with a slug example_slug.

    • Add the submenu pages and use the same slug example_slug + &tab=N.

    • All the menu and submenu pages are rendered with the menu callback. The submenu have null callbacks.


        'Sandbox Options',          
  2. Basically you need to reconstruct the url, because plugin_basename will strip your extra query args after you register the page with query args.

    Full (working/tested) solution follows:

    define( 'PARENT_SLUG', 'index.php' ); // where to put the submenu
    define( 'PAGE_SLUG', 'wp190913_options' ); // submenu slug
    define( 'EXTRA_ARG', 'tab' );
    define( 'EXTRA_ARG_VALUE', 4 );
    add_action( 'admin_menu', 'wp190913_add_page', 11 );
    add_action( 'admin_menu', 'wp190913_add_page_args', 12 );
     * Register submenu page
    function wp190913_add_page() {
            __('wp190913 Options', 'wp190913_textdomain' ),
            __('wp190913 Options', 'wp190913_textdomain'),
     * Add extra query arg for submenu page
    function wp190913_add_page_args() {
        global $submenu;
        $position = wp190913_search_submenu( PAGE_SLUG, PARENT_SLUG );
        // make sure we modify our page
        if ( is_int($position) && $submenu[PARENT_SLUG][$position][2] == PAGE_SLUG ) {
            // we will recompose the whole url, starting with parent
            $submenu[PARENT_SLUG][$position][2] = add_query_arg( 'page', PAGE_SLUG, PARENT_SLUG );
            $submenu[PARENT_SLUG][$position][2] = add_query_arg( EXTRA_ARG, EXTRA_ARG_VALUE, $submenu[PARENT_SLUG][$position][2] );
     * Find submenu key in it's parent array.
     * @param string $page_slug
     * @param string $parent_slug
     * @return null
    function wp190913_search_submenu( $page_slug, $parent_slug ) {
        global $submenu;
        if ( !isset( $submenu[$parent_slug] ) )
            return null;
        foreach ( $submenu[$parent_slug] as $i => $item ) {
            if ( $page_slug == $item[2] ) {
                return $i;
        return null;
     * Submenu page content.
    function wp190913_display_page() {
        // Do stuff
        echo 'wp190913_display_page';
  3. I solved it like this:

    class Banner{
        function __construct(){
            add_action('admin_menu', array($this,'adminmenu'), 200);
        function adminmenu(){
                                'AdRotate Pro · ' . __('Banner Tags', 'adrotate-pro'), 
                                __('Banner Tags', 'adrotate-pro'), 
        function adrotate_banner_tags(){
            wp_safe_redirect(admin_url('/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=' . TAX_TAGS));
    new Banner();

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