creating front end image uploader that uploads images as posts

there is this website lolhappens similar to 9gag. This is a website built over wordpress.

How i am sure of this? check this link . Now to my best of knowledge this is a wordpress website where the images are shown as posts and their thumbnails(a fixed width and variable height) are shown of front page in a recent ones first order. Now here is my question:

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How did they implement a front end image uploader that ultimately shows that images as a posts.And how can i achieve similar functionality . If there are more than one ways what would probably be the recommended. Is there a plugin that has such functionality out of the box?

Secondly is it also possible that the person who uploads the images sees a preview before finally clicking a button to it to the website

Thirdly they have to add a minimum number of tags (predefined tags and users cant add their own) and a tick that says it is adult pic or not before they can submit it .

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