there is this website lolhappens similar to 9gag. This is a website built over wordpress.
How i am sure of this? check this link . Now to my best of knowledge this is a wordpress website where the images are shown as posts and their thumbnails(a fixed width and variable height) are shown of front page in a recent ones first order. Now here is my question:
How did they implement a front end image uploader that ultimately shows that images as a posts.And how can i achieve similar functionality . If there are more than one ways what would probably be the recommended. Is there a plugin that has such functionality out of the box?
Secondly is it also possible that the person who uploads the images sees a preview before finally clicking a button to it to the website
Thirdly they have to add a minimum number of tags (predefined tags and users cant add their own) and a tick that says it is adult pic or not before they can submit it .
Lol happens uses feathered images
so you can upload a pic , use as feathered image
you can use this plugin
to achieve that
make a page called submit or something put the short code the plugin gaves you
enable uploading feathered images and thats it
or you can go with hard coding
use this tut to make that
good luck
You need to pair Auto Post Thumbnail Plugin with front-end image uploader. This plugins creates a post, sets featured image and even can insert image in post, whenever any image is uploaded from wordpress interface.