Alow users to delete uploaded images inside backend?

I am allowing user’s to upload their images, so to show their uploaded images i am using<?php echo $options_images['image_bg'];?> which outputs this: So now my image is displayed properly.
Now i want to allow my users to delete that image and this is the where I failed miserably.

The problem: In order to delete that image I know I must use unlink()
function but to actually use it i need to retrieve dynamically its directory only ('wp-content/uploads/2013/05/deleteme.png';) part (Correct me if I am wrong).

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So somehow (I think at least) i need to read $options_images['image_bg'], and then get rid of

but that path also can be anything
for example: or so I need to retrieve dynamically only somefolder/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/deleteme.png part but I have no idea how to achieve that! Currently I can delete my image but only when i am using my path hard coded like this:

<!--allow users to delete image
HARDCODED so it is a no go:(
<?php  $filename = 'wp-content/uploads/2013/05/deleteme.png';

I tried this also but it is not working

<?php  $filename = $options_images['image_bg'];

I am using this function inside my Theme options for image upload:

//Validate our settings here
function validate_setting($plugin_options){ 

//echo '<pre>';  print_r($_FILES); echo '</pre>';
$keys = array_keys($_FILES);
$i = 0;
foreach ($_FILES as $image) {        
    //If file was uploaded...
    //Is it an image?
        $override = array('test_form' => false);
      $file = wp_handle_upload($image,$override);         
      $plugin_options[$keys[$i]] = $file['url'];
   wp_die('No image found');
 $options = get_option('sandbox_theme_social_options');
 $plugin_options[$keys[$i]] = $options[$keys[$i]];
    return $plugin_options;

But obviously this is a no go because image names can be anything and be changed to anything (

Can anybody help me with this?

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  1. Because you guy’s helped me a lot with your answers this is how I did it if someone is interested:

    <!--allow users to delete image-->
       <?php  $filename = $options_images['image_bg'];//Just storing my path to image here 
    $urlparts = parse_url($filename );//I am getting rid of "" part here
       $extracted = $urlparts['path'];//Extracting my image path here 
       //So img path looks like this: /somefolder/wp-content/uploads/deleteme.png 
       //Only problem is dreaded trailing slash in front (this guy->/somefolder/)
       echo ltrim($extracted, '/');//We are getting rid of it via ltrim
       //Now image path looks like it should: somefolder/wp-content/uploads/deleteme.png 
       if(file_exists($extracted)){ //Now we can delete the images...
       ?><!--/allow users to delete image-->

    Obviously i will need to check if the user chooses to delete image or not but it shouldn’t be a problem. THX guys!!

  2. I was going through the same problem as you are now.

    Then I learned to convert url to path and delete any image or file from server.
    I am using this function for converting url to path and working fine for me.

     function url_to_path_test($url){
      $url=str_replace(rtrim(get_site_url(),'/').'/', ABSPATH, $url);
     return $url;

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