I removed the tabs from the WP editor using
wp_editor('', 'some-id', array('quicktags' => false) );
But sometimes when the page loads the TinyMCE field loads with the Text tab selected:
Rather than the HTML tab:
Is there a way maybe with JS / JQuery to make sure the tab is always the visual
HTML tab?
Already tried:
add_filter( 'wp_default_editor', create_function('', 'return "tinymce";') );
I came across this page — http://wp-snippets.com/set-default-editor/ * — which looks promising, though a little out of date. Instead of their code, I would suggest trying this:
in the WordPress core sourceUnfortunately, the Codex doesn’t currently have a
* Apparently so did you. I missed that the first time I read your question.
My solution.
I found that the problem was a JS WP setting.
A refresh of the page was required to make the editors initialise with the
new setting