Youtube Get Thumbnail

Trying to do a few things in my new WordPress Youtube niche theme. I have a tab in my theme for the user to input the Youtube watch?v=xxxxxxxxxxx id. When they enter the xxxxxxxxxxx url it outputs the video, showing 16 posts per tab via the ‘loop’ query.

Working example here

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I have looked into this Google developer console api thing… and it is complete gibberish to me. I’m using custom post types for the 4 categories youll see on my site. only “Comedy” is populated right now.

NEW EDIT: THIS WORKS. Thank you all who have helped me figure this out!

  $new_query = new WP_Query();
  $new_query->query( array('post_type' => array( 'comedy' ), 'orderby' => 'title', 'order' => 'asc','showposts' => 16, 'paged'=>$paged ));

  while ($new_query->have_posts()) : $new_query->the_post();

  $url = get_post_meta ($post->ID, 'comedy_url', $single = true);

  include(TEMPLATEPATH . '/library/variables.php');

  $code = '' . $url;
  $json = file_get_contents(''.urlencode($code));
  $video = json_decode($json);

<img src="<?php echo $video->thumbnail_url ?>" />

Upon pulling the thumbnail some of you may notice BLACK BORDERS on the top and bottom of your thumbnail. To fix this use the code below:

<a href="<? if($code) {?><?php echo $code; ?><? } ?>">
  <div class="yt-thumbnail" style="background:url('<?php echo $video->thumbnail_url ?>') center no-repeat;"></div>

// in your css file 
    height: 164px;
    width: 300px;
    background-size: 300px 220px;

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  1. You can use the oEmbed API to get thumbnail, uploader name and title. All you need is to encode the URL of the video, for example:

    This will return a JSON response:

      "title":"Nicole Scherzinger - Your Love",
      "html":"u003ciframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreenu003eu003c/iframeu003e",

    Getting the view count is a bit more difficult, see the answers here for details.


    Here is an example how to get the thumbnail in PHP:

      $url = '';
      $json = file_get_contents(''.urlencode($url));
      $video = json_decode($json);
    <img src="<?php echo $video->thumbnail_url ?>" />