I have multiple WordPress-sites at same server in subdirectories and I have alias domains for each of them. I am having trouble with one of them. I’m using .htaccess RewriteRule as follows
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} www.firstexamplesite.com$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !firstexamplesite/
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ firstexamplesite/$1
The problem is I’m using WPGlobus-plugin to make site multilingual and it’s working fine when I am using site through that subfolder. For example:
But when I am using site directly
Language swithing button doesn’t work. And when I’m trying to switch language directly, for example:
I get that “Oops! That page canât be found”-page of WordPress
I’m guessing problem is related to .htaccess-file, but not sure