wpdb update add current timestamp not working

So using the $wpdb->update to add some data to a custom table, trying to add the current timestamp but it’s not saving the right stuff(0000-00-00 00:00:00 this is saved).

overview code

          'value' => 'hello world', 
          'edit'  => date("Y-m-d h:i:s") //saves 0000-00-00 00:00:00
          'option_name' => 'the row'
      array('%s, %s')

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1 comment

  1. You seemed to have solved everything but the issue with the time:

    found the issue %d should be %s. but I see that it saves the server
    time not the current timezone

    WordPress has a number of date/time related functions. In this case, it sounds like what you need is current_time(), which…

    Returns the blog’s current local time in one of two formats, either
    MySQL’s timestamp data type format (i.e. YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) or the
    Unix timestamp format (i.e. epoch).

    So what you should need is:

              'value' => 'hello world', 
              'edit'  => current_time( 'mysql' )
              'option_name' => 'the row'
          array('%s, %s')

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