I am trying to grab data from the DB using WPDB but I am stuck on how to decrypt the data e.g.
The data is stored as: a:2:{i:0;s:2:”92″;i:1;s:2:”71″;}
I want the 92 & 71 as that’s my post IDs, how to I get that part from the DB using WPDB?
My code so far is:
$crosssells = $wpdb->get_results(
FROM $wpdb->postmeta
WHERE _crosssell_ids != ''
The table is only created when data is in putted in the post so I need to check if the table exists and then grab the post id’s
It’s just serialized, in WordPress, you can run maybe_unserialize and get back the variable/array.
However, there are built in functions to retrieve posts based on meta information. You can use get_posts to retrieve the posts and get_post_meta to retrieve meta information from a specific post id. It’s best to abstract away from direct database interaction to take advantage of the built in caching, security, etc of WordPress.