I am using the wp-ui WordPress plugin to create vertical tabbed content. What I want to do is add a span to part of the tab title – to add some additional style, but the shortcode/plugin strips my “span” code
[wptabs mode="vertical" effect="fade"]
[wptabtitle] <span>Silent auction</span> - More title here.[/wptabtitle]
[wptabcontent] Content goes here [/wptabcontent]
Is there a simple way to keep the shortcode/plugin from stripping my added code. The plugin shortcode is easier for the client otherwise, I’d try something different.
Help? Can anyone explain what I need to do with the code below to get the result above?
I found this code:
add_shortcode( 'wptabtitle', array(&$this, 'sc_wptabtitle'));
Then, I located this in the same file.
* [wptabtitle]
function sc_wptabtitle( $atts, $content = null ) {
'header' => 'h3',
'hclass' => 'wp-tab-title',
'label' => 'text',
'image_size'=> '24,24',
'_id' => false,
'load' => '',
'post' => '',
'page' => '',
'cat' => '',
'category_name' => '',
'tag' => '',
'tag_name' => '',
'number' => '4',
'exclude' => '',
'tag' => '',
'feed' => '',
'hide' => "false",
'elength' => $this->options['excerpt_length'],
'before_post' => '',
'after_post' => '',
'template' => '1',
'icon' => false
), $atts));
global $wpui_id_remove_chars;
if ( str_ireplace( $wpui_id_remove_chars, '', $_id ) != $_id )
$_id = false;
$tmpl = ( isset( $this->options[ 'post_template_' . $template ] ) ) ?
$this->options[ 'post_template_' . $template ] :
$this->options[ 'post_template_1' ];
if ( isset( $this->options[ 'title_template' ] ) && $this->options[ 'title_template' ] != '' ) {
$title_template = $this->options[ 'title_template' ];
if ( $_id ) {
$title_template = str_ireplace( '>{$title}', 'id="' . $_id . '">{$title}', $title_template );
} else {
$title_template = '<' . $header;
$title_template .= ' class="' . $hclass . '"';
if ( $_id ) {
$title_template .= ' id="' . $_id . '"';
$title_template .= '>{$title}</' . $header . '>';
if ( $hide == "true" ) $hclass .= ' wpui-hidden-tab';
$data = false;
// Get the post contents.
if ( $post != '' ) {
$data = $this->wpuiPosts->wpui_get_post( $post, $elength );
} elseif ( $page != '' ) {
$data = $this->wpuiPosts->wpui_get_post( $page, $elength );
} elseif ( $feed != '' ) {
$data = $this->wpuiPosts->wpui_get_feeds( array(
'url' => $feed,
'number' => $number
} elseif ( $cat != '' || $category_name != '' || $tag != '' || $tag_name != '' ) {
$data = $this->wpuiPosts->wpui_get_posts( array(
'cat' => $cat,
'category_name' => $category_name,
'tag' => $tag,
'tag_name' => $tag_name,
'number' => $number,
'exclude' => $exclude,
'length' => $elength
if ( $load != '' ) {
$content = '<a class="wp-tab-load" href="' . $load . '">' . $content . '</a>';
$title_str = str_ireplace( '{$title}', $content, $title_template );
if ( $icon && $icon != '' ) {
$title_str = str_replace( '{$thumbnail}', htmlspecialchars_decode( $icon ), $title_str );
if ( is_array( $data ) ) {
if ( isset( $data[ 'title' ] ) ) {
$title_str = $this->wpuiPosts->replace_tags( $title_template, $data );
$data = $before_post . $this->wpuiPosts->replace_tags( $tmpl, $data ) . $after_post;
} else {
$scra = '';
foreach( $data as $index=>$values ) {
$scra .= $this->wpuiPosts->replace_tags( $tmpl, $values );
$data = $before_post . $scra . $after_post;
$title_str = preg_replace( '/{.*}/', '', $title_str );
$output = $title_str;
if ( $data ) {
$output .= do_shortcode( "[wptabcontent]" . $data . "[/wptabcontent]" );
return $output;
} // END function sc_wptabtitle