I am building a relatively simply blog page that uses the WP Rest Api and AngularJs to show the data on the front-end.
On my home page I want to return the title, followed by the featured image, followed by the excerpt. I have pulled the title and excerpt in fine it seems that in the JSON the featured image is a media Id. What is the best way to pull this data in on the fly?
I have seen various things around the internet that use PHP functions but I think the best way to do it is within a angular controller, just looking for some advice on exactly what the controller would be
List View HTML
<ng-include src=" dir + '/form.html?v=2' "></ng-include>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-8 col-lg-10 col-lg-push-1 post">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<article ng-repeat="post in posts" class="projects">
<a class="title" href="#/post/{{post.slug}}"><h2>{{post.title.rendered}}</h2></a>
<p ng-bind-html="post.excerpt.rendered | to_trusted"></p>
.controller('listPage',['$scope','Posts', function($scope,Posts){
$scope.refreshPosts = function(){
$scope.posts = res;
$scope.clear = function(){
$scope.$root.openPost = false;
$scope.openSaveModal = function(){
$scope.closeSaveModal = function(){
$scope.datify = function(date){
$scope.date = newDate(date);
return $scope.date.getDate()+'/'+$scope.date.getMonth()+'/'+$scope.date.getYear();
You could also modify the JSON response with PHP. This returns just what I need and is very fast (Using
is very slow in my experience)I have the following code in a plugin (used for adding custom post types), but I imagine you could put it in your theme’s
Now in your JSON response you should see a new field called
containing a url to the thumbnail.Read more about modifying responses here:
And here’s more information on the
**Note: Don’t forget
<?php ?>
tags if this is a new php file!Turns out, in my case, there is a new plugin available that solves this without having to make a secondary request. See my recent Q:
WP Rest API + AngularJS : How to grab Featured Image for display on page?
If you send the
param to the query, it will return more information in the response, like images, categories, and author data.