WP CRON on shared hosting that does not allow loopback connections?

My hosting company infrom me that they do not allow loopback connections, which are required to run the following cron task on my server. I need to run a cron task for this plugin:


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wget -O /dev/null "http://localhost/?wpmlmethod=docron&auth=XXXXXXXX" > /dev/null 2>&1

They provide the following code which I have adapted for my hosting (path to wget being /usr/bin/php I blieve).

I’ve also tried letting wp-cron.php do the job itself, and it fails, I’ve also tried making a simple server cron job that manually fires wp-cron.php, this worked once and didn’t fire again. I’m now testing the latter with a longer schedule.

Ahhh! Thanks.

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  1. You could just try the alternate WP Cron method, which doesn’t require loopbacks.

    Add define('ALTERNATE_WP_CRON', true); to your wp-config.php file.