I’ve got a custom post type that in the CMS I would to be able to alter the search so it only searches by title of the post, then also pulls through all sub pages of that page.
Currently I have the following, which does limit search to title but I’m struggling how to best approach pulling through the subpages and returning them on this query.
add_filter( 'posts_search', 'admin_search_shops', null, 2 );
function admin_search_shops( $search, $a_wp_query ) {
if ( !is_admin() ) return $search;
$search = preg_replace( "# OR (.*posts.post_content LIKE '%.*%')#", "", $search );
return $search;
Rather than trying to reconstruct a complicated SQL query, it would be much simpler to add the children in the ‘posts_results’ filter at the end. Combined with what you have done already (limiting the search to the titles), the following will add in any child pages.