I am using the wp.media frame uploader in my plugin to upload files. It works perfectly as it should except one problem.
When I upload file (using upload button, or drag and drop) it uploads the file and displays its information in sidebar menu, but doesn’t display thumbnail of attachment. Its a kind of annoying problem because first its a default behaviour on wp.media and second same implementation is working fine on different plugin. Has anyone come across this problem..
Code I used is:
var alex_doc_uploader = $thisButton.data('file_frame');
if (alex_doc_uploader) {
// Create the media frame.
alex_doc_uploader = wp.media.frames.file_frame = wp.media({
title: "Select Documents",
button: {
text: "Select Documents"
library : {
type: accepted_mime_types
multiple: true // Set to true to allow multiple files to be selected
$thisButton.data('file_frame', alex_doc_uploader);
And when i upload a file,
The result I get is
But what should happen is
Figured out the problem.. It was a bug on wordpress till 4.2.2. WordPress can’t support multiple mimetypes provided as type of wp.media. It does support to filter out the content displayed but can’t load on screen if uploaded.
Here is the issue created on wordpress
Media Upload mimeType validation bug
My patch
hopefully it will be solved in 4.2.3 or 4.3. Or you can do patch with those patches