I need help regarding wordpress woocommerce robots txt.
My robots txt is fine.
I allowed google to index this.
but the problem is google is indexing this
There are many ways to sort the product on every page and google is indexing all those.
i want google not to index this type of things.
etc etc
but i want google to index this.
this is my current robots txt file.
User-agent: *
Disallow: /cgi-bin/
Disallow: /wp-admin/
Disallow: /recommended/
Disallow: /comments/feed/
Disallow: /trackback/
Disallow: /index.php
Disallow: /xmlrpc.php
Disallow: /wp-content/plugins/
Disallow: /cart/
Disallow: /checkout/
Disallow: /my-account/
User-agent: NinjaBot
Allow: /
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google*
Allow: /
User-agent: Googlebot-Image
Allow: /wp-content/uploads/
User-agent: Adsbot-Google
Allow: /
User-agent: Googlebot-Mobile
Allow: /
sitemap: http://www.ontheway247.com/sitemap_index.xml
If anyone can help me solve this problem, that would be great appretiated.
Thank you.
The following should do this…
WordPress admin
then follow these
setting > permalink > select ” post ” type permalink