WordPress/WooCommerce API Function

I’m adding a function to WordPress to be run when an order has been placed on WooCommerce.

The API call is to add a delivery to the DeTrack System (http://www.detrack.com/api-documentation/add-deliveries/) via their API. This is in the form of a HTTP Post Request.

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      "address":"63 Ubi Avenue 1 Singapore 408937",
      "delivery_time":"09:00 AM - 12:00 PM",
      "deliver_to":"John Tan",
      "instructions":"Call customer upon arrival.",
            "desc":"Test Item #01",
            "desc":"Test Item #02",
            "desc":"Test Item #03",
      "address":"59 Ubi Avenue 1 Singapore 408938",
      "delivery_time":"02:00 PM - 05:30 PM",
      "deliver_to":"Jane Lim",
      "instructions":"Change pass at security counter before proceeding to level 3.",
            "desc":"Test Item #11",
            "desc":"Test Item #12",
            "desc":"Test Item #13",

This is the JSON on the API website but im not sure how to send this from the WooCommerce WC_Class website I have in the function.

Bit new to this so help is appreciated!

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