I am having a few issues concatenating a string and then outputting the value.
In the database I have a column titled 'featured_price'
. In that column is specified another column that will hold the value I am trying to acquire, however, I need to append '_term'
to the end and then get the column from the database.
So I need to have two outputs:
1) featured_price
2) specified_column_term
This is my PHP:
$rows = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM specified_details WHERE id='$id'");
foreach ($rows as $result) {
echo $result->featured_price;
$featuredprice = $result->featured_price;
$featuredterm = $featuredprice. "_term";
echo $result->$featuredterm;
When I var_dump()
I just get this array(0)
You may have a mistake there on line
Shouldnt it be