WordPress: Unable to upload file to an existing directory

CentOS 6
WP 3.5.1

I have a WP site wich was working Ok and suddenly doesn’t allow to upload files:
– Media uploader: Unable to create directory http://subdomain.domain.tld/app/wp-content/uploads/2013/06. Is its parent directory writable by the server?
– Browser uploader: Error saving media attachment.

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The 06 folder already exists and I’ve been uploading to it without problems. I’ve faced this usual problem after installing WP or sometimes when month change but never with an existing folder

I’ve tried assigning 777 permissions to wp-content, uploads, 2013, 01, 02, …, 06, setting the owner:group to apache:apache but no way!
I read the reason could be SELinux but
# getenforce

But the most weird thing is now I realized I have the same problem in my localhost!?
OS X 10.6.8
XAMPP 1.7.3

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  1. In shell:

    chown -R www-data:www-data wp-content/uploads
    chmod -R w+g wp-content/uploads

    Not familiar with CentOS flavour so I may have it all wrong.


    With a bit of reading around I think I’ll take a guess that this is a server issue, in-so-far-as the WordPress framework not getting on with PHP in certain OS environments. It seems some others have had problems creating new ‘month’ folders in certain server setups. WordPress is supposed to create new folders under the user/group www-data or apache (whichever the correct process alias for Linux), but this can sometimes fail.

    Some more suggestions:

    1) In WordPress Admin Panel -> Settings -> Media, check that the ‘Store uploads in this folder‘ textfield is as you would expect it to be. Perhaps even try explicitly giving it the ‘app/wp-content/uploads‘ pathname.

    2) Check some of the old (successfully) uploaded files, and see who owns them. Some people have reported the owner as being ‘nobody‘, which would obviously be a problem.

    3) Slightly more of a hack is unticking the ‘Organise my folders into month and year based folders‘. Obviously this will stop WordPress creating new folders based on time…

    Also, if you find the solution, remember to switch permissions back to 755. 777 could be a security hazard.

  2. Give full permission to wp-content/uploads

    chmod -R 777 wp-content/uploads

    if you are having cpanel server, do this also

    chown -R account_username: wp-content