WordPress Transient

I am trying to learn some new database techniques and at the moment, I have a opportunity to apply and try something new.

WordPress coined some of it’s values: “transient” and lock it on to a key value.

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Example Value:


What I like to know is the concept on how these values are created.

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  1. The term “Transient” in WordPress is cached, temporary data. The data has an expiry timestamp, so it will be automatically deleted after a specified interval.

    a simple and standardized way of storing cached data in the database
    temporarily by giving it a custom name
    and a timeframe after which it will
    expire and deleted.

    So to answer your question: Some plugin (or WP itself) stored this data for some purpose, but it will be automatically purged at some point.

    You can read the full details here: Transients API