In a WordPress shortcode function, I have the following:
$args=shortcode_atts( array(
'setting1' => 'value1',
'setting2' => 'value2'
), $atts);
return '<div data-myData='{' . json_encode( $args ) . '}' ></div>';
I’m trying to retrieve the arguments and return a string of HTML. That html should look like:
<div data-myData='{ "setting1" : "value1" , "setting2" : "value2" }'></div>
Then some JS picks it up from there.
However, it seems that however I approach this, WP keeps converting my single quotes to double quotes on the data-myData attribute and I wind up with this:
<div data-myData="{ "setting1" : "value1" , "setting2" : "value2" }"></div>
Is there something simple I’m missing here?
You’re inserting JSON into an html context, so you need to use HTML-specific quoting methods: