WordPress register URL Mismatch

In blog home page, when i click on register, it takes me to this URL http://www.tawnosdesigns.com/mockups/behindthestorywp/wp-login.php?action=register . This is not my site’s (behindthestory) login page. it is another domain which i used for mockup. how can I set my original site (behindthestory.org) register URL ?

site url : behindthestory.org
username : gatsby
password : santoga

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  1. If this happened after you deployed it, you can try going into the wp_options table in the database, and searching for the old options and changing them. I think the option is called site_url.

  2. After visit your provided site, it’s seems you are using you are using a static form on header or installed plugin for registration. So you need to change in template or check plugin setting if you installed for registration.

    maximum chance this is a static form in template.

    Hope this helps you. All the best 😉