The code that retrieves the categories in tab filter is:
<!-- BEGIN .filter-tabs -->
<ul class="filter-tabs filt-tabs clearfix">
<li class="selected"><a href="#" title="<?php _e('View all All items','hbthemes'); ?>" class="all" data-filter="*"><span class="item-name"><?php _e('All','hbthemes'); ?></span><span class="item-count">0</span></a></li>
<?php if ( !empty($portfolio_filters) ) {
foreach ( $portfolio_filters as $slug=>$name ) { ?>
<a href="#" data-filter=".<?php echo $slug; ?>" title="<?php _e('View all ','hbthemes'); echo $name; _e(' items','hbthemes'); ?>">
<span class="item-name"><?php echo $name; ?><span class="item-count">0</span></span>
<!-- END .filter-tabs -->
May I kindly know how can I display the same categories in a dropdown control instead of tabs?
Appreciate your help