WordPress plugin phpunit tests with dependencies

I suspect this would be a duplicate question or something with a very simple answer, but I’ve searched on every term I can come up with without any result.

It’s really simple; How can I unit test WordPress plugins that depends on other plugins?

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I’m currently working on a WooCommerce plugin which will contain a payment gateway, which has to extend the WC_Payment_Gateway included in the WooCommerce plugin. So I need WordPress to load and activate WooCommerce. I tried;

  1. manually just including /plugins/woocommerce/woocommerce.php. Gives me db errors as WooCommerce tables has not been created.
  2. running activate_plugin( '<woocommerce plugin path>' ); on the "muplugins_loaded" action. Gives same error as above.
  3. Cloning WooCommerce dev. repo and including test/bootstrap.php in woocommerce. Gives me a PHP fatal error: wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/tmp/wordpress-tests-lib/includes/functions.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/...
  4. Running /plugins/woocommerce/tests/bin/install.sh. Gives me PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tests_add_filter() (previously declared in ...
  5. Combinations of the above

Anyone know what I’m doing wrong? I really don’t want to drop unit tests but currently seems like the only option as I’m getting fatal b/c some classes in my plugin i.e. type hint the payment gateway which obviously forces the autoloader to get it.

Thanks in advance 🙂

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  1. I just spent hours trying to figure this out, and got there eventually. Leaving this answer here for anyone else that’s looking.

    This guide explains the process quite well: https://wptheming.com/2016/01/unit-tests-for-woocommerce-extensions/

    Basically you can copy the entire woocommerce test suite into your extension folder and make a few adjustments to the initialization in the bootstrap file, so that you load up woocommerce and your extension together.

  2. I ended up creating “Dependency substitution” (mock) classes in a special folder that is only registered to the autoloader in the test environment (not dev/prod to prevent collisions with the real classes).

    I think it’s a really ugly solution as the tests will pass even if the api that we depend on changes and breaks the application – breaks the whole point of doing unit tests imo. But you know.. All is fair in love and war lol

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