WordPress minify html only in the main page

I was using this code to minify HTML output in wordpress.
It works perfect on the main page and on the post page, but in the admin section it causes a lot of problems.

function minify_html(){

function html_compress($buffer){

    $search = array(
        '/n/',         // replace end of line by a space
        '/>[^S ]+/s',     // strip whitespaces after tags, except space
        '/[^S ]+</s',     // strip whitespaces before tags, except space
        '/(s)+/s',     // shorten multiple whitespace sequences,
        '~<!--//(.*?)-->~s' //html comments

    $replace = array(
        ' ',

    $buffer = preg_replace($search, $replace, $buffer);

    return $buffer;


Using ‘the_post’ instead of ‘wp_loaded’ minifies only the posts, but I’d like to be able to minify at 100% the main page, and the post page, but nothing in the admin section.
How can I combine the actions in order to manage it?

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Thank you!

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  1. Nice Code, exclude admin :

    if (!(is_admin() )) {
    function minify_html(){
    function html_compress($buffer){
        $search = array(
            '/n/',         // replace end of line by a space
            '/>[^S ]+/s',     // strip whitespaces after tags, except space
            '/[^S ]+</s',     // strip whitespaces before tags, except space
            '/(s)+/s',     // shorten multiple whitespace sequences,
            '~<!--//(.*?)-->~s' //html comments
        $replace = array(
            ' ',
        $buffer = preg_replace($search, $replace, $buffer);
        return $buffer;
    add_action('wp_loaded','minify_html'); }

    It works well WP admin !

  2. There is a troubleshoot case where replacing empty space with preg_replace causes invalid characters with UTF-8. (eg: à encoding would fail and result in �). This is due to a mismatch between the current locale and the defined locale. We can use the /u flag as a way to properly filter UTF-8 characters.

    In some instances, removing new lines and multiple spaces from inline <script> tags will cause the script to break. Isolating the <script> tag’s content will prevent this from happening which is done by splitting the buffer into an array delimited by opening and closing script tags through preg_split().

     * Turn on output buffering, prettify and minimy the HTML output.
     * @see https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.ob-start.php
     * @since 1.0.0
    add_action( 'wp_loaded', function () {
        ob_start( function ( $buffer ) {
             * preg_replace() UTF-8 troubleshooting.
             * Replacing empty space with preg_replace causes invalid characters with UTF-8.
             * As preg_replace() depends on the current defined locale, characters not supported will be returned as � invalid.
             * The /u flag is used to make regex unicode aware.
             * @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/74101068/3645650
            $replace = array(
                '/n/smu'                   => '',      //Remove new lines.
                '/(s)+/smu'                => '\1',   //Replace multiple spaces with a single one.
                '/s*<s*/smu'              => '<',     //Remove spaces before and after opening tags.
                '/s*>s*/smu'              => '>',     //Remove spaces before and after closing tags.
                '/s*/>s*/smu'            => '>',     //Remove spaces before and after closing tags for self closing tags.
                '/<!--(.|s)*?-->/'         => '',      //Remove HTML comments.
                '/s*=s*'([^']*)'/smu'  => '="$1"', //Replace single quotes with double quotes within attributes.
             * preg_replace() inline <script> troubleshooting.
             * In some instances, removing new lines and multiple spaces from inline <script> tags will cause the script to break.
             * Isolating the <script> tag's content will prevent this from happening which is done by splitting the buffer into an array delimited by opening and closing script tags through preg_split().
             * @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/10423788/3645650
            $buffer = preg_split( '/(</?script[^>]*>)/', $buffer, null, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE );
            foreach ( $buffer as $key => $value ) {
                //If the $key is a <script> opening tag, $key + 1 is the script tag's content, $key + 2 is the script closing tag.
                if ( false !== stripos( $value, '<script' ) ) {
                    $k = $key;
                //$key + 1 is the script tag's content, which we want to ignore.
                if ( $k + 1 === $key ) {
                    unset( $k );
                $buffer[ $key ] = preg_replace( array_keys( $replace ), array_values( $replace ), $value );
            return implode( '', $buffer );
        } );
    } );
     * Get current buffer contents and delete current output buffer.
     * @see https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.ob-get-clean.php
     * @since 1.0.0
    add_action( 'shutdown', function () {
    } );

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