This is the i normally get meta data from wordpress articles (CODE 1):
<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'evcal_srow', true); ?>
now the “evcal_srow” is UNIX timestamp that shows me something like: “1404187200”. Now i have to convert it somehow bu i don’t know how to write that? i havetried this (CODE 2:):
$startzeit=$wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT meta_value FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = %s ORDER BY meta_value ASC", $metakey));
foreach($startzeit as $evcal_srow){
echo "<div class='datum'>".gmdate("d.m.Y", $evcal_srow)."</div><div class='uhrzeit'>".gmdate("H:i", $evcal_srow)."</div>";
but it always gives me ALL meta data of EVERY article. the first code (CODE 1) above gets the ID but only gives me the unix timestamp, CODE 2 gives me the correct date and time but shows all metadata he can find in the tables … i need to show only the metadata that belongs to the article.
found a solution: