I am working on creating a widget menu(kind of a sidebar like w3schools) that is supposed to show all posts that are listed in a particular category.
For example from the home page once the user clicks “HTML” in the Nav bar it takes them to the page with introduction about the course and I have put a sidebar custom menu(by using drag and drop) in which there are other posts of the same category by the name of “HTML”.
I want to be able to make a post and mark it under “HTML” category, in the menu option I select the menu to show menu only on posts with the “HTML” category and then after that whenever I make a post under the category “HTML”, the menu should automatically add another post to the list. Simply put, a dynamic menu that shows all posts under a certain category.
So far I have come across this piece of code but putting it in the editor for menu doesn’t work :
$catPost = get_posts(get_cat_ID("NameOfTheCategory"));
foreach ($catPost as $post) : setup_postdata($post); ?>
<h2><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
<p><?php the_content(); ?></p>
</div> <?php endforeach;?>
I am new to WordPress and I have tried searching everywhere and trying a lot of plugins but I can’t find anything.
you can get all the categories or a specific category using get categories and then run a WP_Query on each category.