WordPress Index.php not loading

I’m a newbie here. I installed a wordpress in a server run by Apache2. But the wordpress doesn’t load index.php page. I can access deshboard and all other categories are displaying well. but the home url is not loading the index.php. Eventhough i try to added /index.php at the end of my url, still it’s not working. It just display 404 error. When i look at the theme directory and wordpress directory, there are (index.php) files.

so I googled for solution. some suggested to add
directoryindex index.php in .htaccess file. I did that and that result in 500 internal server error.

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Some post in google suggest to look at dir.conf and httpd.conf under Apache2. In my httpd.conf file, I have this line of code

SSLcertificateChainfile /etc/ssl/certs/secure_yosalasd_org.ca-bundle

In my dir.conf file, I have this lines of code

<IfModule mod_dir.c>
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html

I don’t seem to find answer to this problem.I would appreciate if anyone can figure out what is the problem here.

thank you so much in advance



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  1. This may be a long shot, but once saw a simillar problem which in the end the problem was that there was an index.html file as well in the folder.
    Make sure such file does not exist.

    And did you try re-installing?

  2. may be the premits of htaccess disallow it from working, that will result not found pages

    if you uploaded the script though root access

    try this command

    chown -hR user:user folder_path;chmod -R 644 folder_path/*.php

    replace user by your user name, replace folder path by the full path of wordpress


    The problem is your theme not include index.php

    try to explore your theme directory, and check if there is index.php file, or switch to another theme

    if the file is exists, Try to change file permissions use the command that i provided above again, i’ve edited it

  3. You can change main diretory and sub directory all php files permission with this SSH Command

    find /top/level/directory -type f -name "*.php" -print | xargs chmod 644