WordPress I18n generator: Missing Keys

I downloaded the I18n generator package from: http://codex.wordpress.org/I18n_for_WordPress_Developers#Generating_a_POT_file. I want to generate a pot file for my created template now:

php makepot.php  /home/mr/workspace/blog/wp-content/themes/myTheme/ de_DE.pot

After executing this command, I get a de_DE.pot with some the WP standard keys in. But my new keys will not be found. But if I add them to the file manually and upload it, they will be translated.
Why doesn’t WordPress pick up all my keys?

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1 comment

  1. I have used the poEdit in the following way.

    1. File Menu > New Catalog
    2. Set the language as per your need. Set utf8
    3. Set the paths as . and ..(if you want to place your .mo file at languages folder).
    4. Define the functions from which the strings to take( ie , _, _e, _n, _x, _ex etc).
    5. Now save the file to your template’s folder as templateName.po
    6. Now update catalog.
    7. Upon saving the .mo file will be generated in the same folder.
    8. Now rename the .mo file to the specific Locale (for mine bn_BD.mo, for your case de_DE.mo)

    I would suggest a few tips from here