How can I check in backend if the current post is saved/updated or not.
I need to show an metabox after the post is saved/updated.
Literally after the “Update” Button is clicked.
something like this small sketch:
function add_aftersave_metabox() {
///how to do this:
if ( $post == ?? is saved?? )
remove_meta_box('you-have-to-save', 'post', 'normal');
add_meta_box( 'post-is-saved', 'post', 'normal'); }
add_action('admin_head', 'add_aftersave_metabox');
Thanks for any help!
Just to make sure I understand, you don’t just want to look at the blog section of your page to see if the post is posted, but you want to check it otherwise?
I am just curious as to why you may want to do so with WordPress.