I have written a custom WordPress function to send a user an email when a new comment is posted to there page. I thought my code sent emails only when the comment was approved. But it seems to be sending an email even when the comment is flagged by WordPress as trash.
My code:
add_action('comment_post', 'pulse_alert', 11, 2);
function pulse_alert($comment_ID, $approved) {
//if the comment is approved
if ($approved)
global $post;
$username = $post->post_title;
$user = get_user_by('login', $username);
//if the user exists
if ($user)
//get pulse config details
$userid = $user->ID;
$alerts = get_cimyFieldValue($userid, 'PULSEALERT');
$emailformat = get_cimyFieldValue($userid, 'PULSEALERTFORMAT');
if($alerts == 'YES')
//user details
$user_info = get_userdata($userid);
$user_email = $user_info->user_email;
//for page link
$email_newpulse_pagelink = $username;
//for email title
$email_newpulse_companyname = get_cimyFieldValue($userid, 'COMPANYNAME');
//Code for Pulse alert emails
$headers[] = 'From: The PartnerPulse team <hello@partnerpulse.co>';
$headers[] = 'Bcc: The PartnerPulse team <hello@partnerpulse.co>';
//Send email
$mail = wp_mail($user_email, $email_newpulse_subject, $email_newpulse_body, $headers);
It would seemed the $approved var is not working. Any ideas?
I believe that $approved will be either 0/1 for unapproved/approved or “spam”
You can see that about halfway down this page:
Your if statement is testing $approved to see if it’s true. If $approved comes through as “spam” it will equate to true as php will consider a string true unless it’s empty or “0”.
Change your if statement to be if($approved == 1) and see how that goes.
As I checked in the source, this action hook is fired just after a comment is inserted in the database. So should be in the right hook.
But actually, the
var can have 3 values :0
.So you should try like this :
You can check the function wp_allow_comment.