WordPress Fatal errors

I was editing the file map.php when I started getting errors. So I when to my FTP and delete map.php from it. Now I am having this error. I can’t get access to neither my admin panel nor my website. Here is the URL : http://eyeandretina.com.au/

Warning: Class 'WPBMap' not found in /home/eyeandre/public_html/wp-content/plugins/js_composer/include/helpers/helpers_api.php on line 17

UPDATE :The error seems to be in the directory js_composer

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  1. The best way to handle this is to first rename the folder where the plugin lives, aka (js_composer) to (js_composer_old) or something like that.

    Check your site, if the error was in that plugin indeed, the website should now be able to load and you can access your admin.

    You might have some functionality missing because you just deactivated the JS visual composer plugin.

    Next, reupload the plugin from your local theme backup/original download file. Or maybe your theme offers autoinstallers from within the admin panel.