I have created many custom settings in WordPress using their Settings API, but for some reason I am having trouble with one in particular.
I want to include a custom URL shortener using WordPress’s shortlink feature, so I added a custom setting to store the URL shortener’s domain name. This allows it to be customizable.
function urb_admin_init_shortlink_domain()
$option_group = 'permalink';
$option_name = 'shortlink_domain';
$sanitize_callback = null;
register_setting( $option_group, $option_name, $sanitize_callback );
$id = 'shortlink_domain';
$title = 'Shortlink Domain';
$callback = 'urb_shortlink_domain';
$page = 'permalink';
$section = 'optional';
$args = null;
add_settings_field( $id, $title, $callback, $page, $section, $args );
function urb_shortlink_domain()
$option = 'shortlink_domain';
echo '<input type="text" name="' . $option . '" id="' . $option . '" value="' . get_option( $option ) . '" class="regular-text ltr" />';
add_action( 'admin_init', 'urb_admin_init_shortlink_domain' );
For some reason, it doesn’t save the value. The get_option('shortlink_domain')
function returns false
WordPress permalink settings only provide settings sections and fields but it doesn’t save values custom fields same as others page like Media, Reading etc.
I think you need to another way to save custom fields values on permalink page.
Below sample code of save setting on permalink page.