WordPress Disable User Account?

I want to disable a user’s account. When the user’s account is disabled then the user should not able to login.

How can I disable user’s accounts?

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  1. Well you could just delete it. Alternatively, go to the Users dashboard panel and change the user’s role to “– No role for this site –“

    enter image description here

  2. A quick Google search gave me the following plugin:

    Disable Users

    Once installed and activated, a checkbox appears on the user profile settings (only for admins). When checked, the users account will be disabled and they will be unable to login with the account. If they try to login, they are instantly logged out and redirected to the login page with a message that notifies them their account is disabled.

    I think it’s what you are looking for!

  3. You can create a temporary user or disable user using the following plugin:

    Temporary access for users

    Temporary Access for users plugins creates the temporary user. If the admin wants to create a temporary user for some limited period of time like give temporary login to a user then this plugin is helpful to you.