WordPress Custom Post Type Children Template

I have created a hierarchical custom post type in wordpress called “films.” It is hierarchical so it can have children elements.

When a “film” is clicked, wordpress automatically uses the template called ‘single-films.php’. That is great, but I wish to use a different template when one of the film’s children pages is clicked. For instance, a child of a film might be “press.” When that film’s press link is clicked, I want it to use a different template than single-films.php.

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I was hoping there is some way I can use a template like single-children-films.php. Any ideas how I can change a hierarchical custom post type’s children template?

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  1. If, from within single-films.php you filter based on the parent post you should have little issue with this. For example:

    if( $post->post_parent != 0 ) {
        // not top level
    } else {
        // top level page

    If you need to know how deep the page is, that’s a different matter, but that’s also doable (unfortunately it means you need to query the database though).