Is it possible to configure multiple upload directories in WordPress? I want to be able to use the standard WordPress media uploader but upload to different folders based on what I am uploading. As per WordPress documentation, you can set a custom uploads folder, but that will put all uploaded files to that folder.
What I need to have different pages which handle uploads differently( upload to different folders). That is, when I am on Upload page 1
I need to upload to .../uploads1/
and when I am in Upload page 2
, I need to be upload to .../uploads2/
I know you can do it using custom forms and call wp_handle_upload
but want to try use the already working uploader.
I found a hack to solve the problem. You can all
update_option('uploads_use_yearmonth_folders', false); //disable default wordpress: .../uploads/year/month
update_option(‘upload_path’, ‘upload/path’); // to update the path to uploads.
then after uploding, reset wordpress defauld by: