WordPress child theme: override functions

In my parent Theme I’ve a function without the initial statement:

if (!function_exists(... etc...

How can I replace it with a function with the same name in my child theme?
If I create the function into my functions.php it gives me an error due to the fact that there are two functions with the same name.

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Thank you in advance for your answers.

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  1. This seems to be working for me:

    function fileExistsInChildTheme($file_path){
        $file_directory = get_template_directory();
        if(file_exists($file_directory . "-child" . $file_path)){
            return $file_directory .= "-child" . $file_path;
        return $file_directory .= $file_path;
    require ( fileExistsInChildTheme('/includes/functions.php') );
    require ( fileExistsInChildTheme('/includes/theme-options.php') );
    require ( fileExistsInChildTheme('/includes/hooks.php') );
    require ( fileExistsInChildTheme('/includes/version.php') );
  2. Child theme function.php file is loaded before the parent theme functions file, therefore you shouldn’t get fatal error for re-declaring the function in the child theme. That’s why your parent theme is using the function_exists check.

    Maybe you’re declaring the function in the child theme after a hook(e.g. init)?

    Here is the codex documentation about this: http://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes#Referencing_.2F_Including_Files_in_Your_Child_Theme

  3. i think if you add same name of function then it take from child theme function then it take from parent.

    For ex.

    Child Theme

    if ( ! function_exists( 'function_name' ) ) {
      function function_name(){
        echo 'This is child theme';

    Parent Theme

    if ( ! function_exists( 'function_name' ) ) {
      function function_name(){
        echo 'This is parent theme';