WordPress and Drupal SSO/Single Sign On

I’ve made my front end website in WordPress and this is fine for me, i want to create the member/staff area in Drupal as it has more functionality with Google docs and Mediawiki.

I was wondering if its possible for me to share logins between both sites, so if i register a user on wordpress, they will be able to login on the Drupal site aswell?

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  1. OpenId would be a way to do it , other than that it should be possible to write a function to retrieve the WordPress users info from the database and create corresponding users in Drupal. The function would then be called whenever a new user is created. Both platforms are well documented, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to work out.

    Now, I know you made your point clear about using both WordPress & Drupal , but it does sound a bit like overkill knowing that whatever you can do in WordPress should easily be possible in Drupal… but I digress 😉