WordPress 4.5.2 Media library/featured image issues

my media library is not working correctly, on grid view display, the circle animation is just spinning forever – Preview
In a list preview it show that i uploaded it Preview2 , but as you can it doesn’t show thumbnail. When i try to upload image on a featured image i get this error “an error occurred in the upload. please try again later”.

  • I tried to disable plugins on by one
  • Disabled theme and switched to default
  • Changed hosting provider
  • I tried upload also very small images, so it isn’t a problem with image size/dimensions

So i started a new fresh wordpress site on my localhost with the same database and i looks like my database causing this trouble. I might be wrong, but i think because of it.

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With a new fresh database media library is working perfectly. What then should i do? If want to use fresh database, then i almost have to recreate my site…

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  1. In htaccess after “# END WordPress” add…

    suPHP_ConfigPath /home/username/public_html

    Replacing username with the cpanel username for the account
    Note there is no / on the end

    Then add a file called php.ini to the public_html folder with the following in it

    memory_limit = 512M
    upload_max_filesize = 100M
    post_max_size = 100M

    That resolved it for our hosting customers

  2. the problem was i saved a letter “S” before open tag in my wp-config file. I spended so much time for looking any solution possible, for that small mistake, anyways thank you for trying me help

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