I am working with a wordpress theme called X theme. My lead dev guy bailed and this function is not working. The purpose of it is to flip to the first image in that products gallery when a mousein/out event occurs. The query is looking for a proceeding post ID which is not there or doesn’t meet the criteria for the query. So instead I would like it to simply get the image a better way because this doesn’t work consistently.
function x_woocommerce_shop_thumbnail() {
GLOBAL $product;
$stack = x_get_stack();
$stack_thumb = 'entry-full-' . $stack;
$stack_shop_thumb = $stack_thumb;
$id = get_the_ID();
$rating = $product->get_rating_html();
echo '<div class="entry-featured">';
echo '<a id="id'.$id.'" value="'.$id.'" href="'.get_the_permalink().'">';
echo get_the_post_thumbnail( $id , $stack_shop_thumb );
global $wpdb;
foreach($wpdb->get_results('SELECT ID FROM wp_posts WHERE post_parent = "'.$id.'" AND post_type = "attachment" ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1') as $key => $row){
$file = '_wp_attached_file';
$childId = $row->ID;
global $wpdb;
$query = 'SELECT meta_value FROM wp_postmeta WHERE meta_key = "'.$file.'" AND post_id = "'.$childId.'"';
$otherImage = $wpdb->get_var($query);
if($otherImage != ''){
echo '<img id="otherImage" src="/wp-content/uploads/'.$otherImage.'"/>';
if ( ! empty( $rating ) ) {
echo '<div class="star-rating-container aggregate">' . $rating . '</div>';
echo '</a>';
echo "</div>";
The java & jQuery for the flip (is running in the footer of theme)
//Product Hover Image Switch
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
if(jQuery(this).children('#otherImage').attr('src') != ''){
jQuery(this).fadeTo(200, 0, function(){
var source = jQuery(this).children('#otherImage').attr('src'),
original = jQuery(this).children('.wp-post-image').attr('srcset');
jQuery(this).children('.wp-post-image').attr('srcset', source);
jQuery(this).children('#otherImage').attr('src', original);
}).fadeTo(200, 1);
if(jQuery(this).children('#otherImage').attr('src') != ''){
jQuery(this).fadeTo(200, 0, function(){
var source = jQuery(this).children('#otherImage').attr('src'),
original = jQuery(this).children('.wp-post-image').attr('srcset');
jQuery(this).children('.wp-post-image').attr('srcset', source);
jQuery(this).children('#otherImage').attr('src', original);
}).fadeTo(200, 1);