Woocommerce product description length characters

I added the following code to my functions.php file to add a short product description under the thumbnails on my shop page.

add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title', 'lk_woocommerce_product_excerpt', 35, 2);
if (!function_exists('lk_woocommerce_product_excerpt'))
function lk_woocommerce_product_excerpt()
$content_length = 20;
global $post;
$content = $post->post_excerpt;
$wordarray = explode(' ', $content, $content_length + 1);
if(count($wordarray) > $content_length) :
array_push($wordarray, '...');
$content = implode(' ', $wordarray);
$content = force_balance_tags($content);
echo "<span class='excerpt'><p>$content</p></span>";

As you can see here on my website, the descriptions are there, but the length is based on words. Is there anyway I can make the content length of my descriptions based on characters rather than words?

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1 comment

  1. You can try using the substr() method:

    $content = substr($content, 0, 20);

    Where 20 is the amount of characters you want returned.


    add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title', 'lk_woocommerce_product_excerpt', 35, 2);
    if (!function_exists('lk_woocommerce_product_excerpt'))
    function lk_woocommerce_product_excerpt()
    $content_length = 20;
    global $post;
    $content = $post->post_excerpt;
    $wordarray = explode(' ', $content, $content_length + 1);
    if(count($wordarray) > $content_length) :
    array_push($wordarray, '...');
    $content = implode(' ', $wordarray);
    $content = force_balance_tags($content);
    $content = substr($content, 0, 20);
    echo "<span class='excerpt'><p>$content</p></span>";