I’m creating some custom Woocommerce My Account Pages. Everything’s going great, and I run into a troublesome little chunk of code that I can’t get through.
My goal is to simply add spacing between the output of the $address = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_my_account_my_address_formatted_address', ...
Currently, it populates <br>
(not even <br />
) tags between the field values. I really want to be able to replace the <br>
tags with <p>
tags. That’s it. It would be nice if I could understand how to add whatever I wanted between them, but that’s not as important.
So, here are the pieces:
$address = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_my_account_my_address_formatted_address', array(
'first_name' => get_user_meta( $customer_id, $name . '_first_name', true ),
'last_name' => get_user_meta( $customer_id, $name . '_last_name', true ),
'company' => get_user_meta( $customer_id, $name . '_company', true ),
'address_1' => get_user_meta( $customer_id, $name . '_address_1', true ),
'address_2' => get_user_meta( $customer_id, $name . '_address_2', true ),
'city' => get_user_meta( $customer_id, $name . '_city', true ),
'state' => get_user_meta( $customer_id, $name . '_state', true ),
'postcode' => get_user_meta( $customer_id, $name . '_postcode', true ),
'country' => get_user_meta( $customer_id, $name . '_country', true )
), $customer_id, $name );
$formatted_address = WC()->countries->get_formatted_address( $address );
if ( ! $formatted_address )
_e( 'You have not set up this type of address yet.', 'woocommerce' );
echo $formatted_address;
This then outputs the following:
John Doe<br>John's Company<br>35 John Street<br>Johnsville, JD 55555
Anyone with me? I am a PHP novice, for sure – so if this is really simple, then bear with me. I just haven’t found a solution anywhere regarding this. Usually, I can weasle my way through this kind of stuff.
I know this is a little old but I was having the exact same problem and managed to solve it by playing around with the regex that preg_match() searches for.
All I did was change the
variable and wrap the$output
tags. The final code is:If this is what you want
then try this: