WooCommerce: custom function to manage stock of variable products at the individual attribute level

How can I create a custom function to manage stock at the individual attribute level?

For example

Product: t-shirt signed by me

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  • Attribute 1: Size – small | medium | large
  • Attribute 2: Marker Color – blue | red | black

In cases like these, you’d want to manage stock by attribute 1 only. It makes no sense to manage stock by attribute 2 also.

What I’ve Tried

Since I’m just beginning with custom WordPress functions, I don’t know where to start. It seems that a custom stock reduction function that filters by SKU could work, but I’ve searched and can’t find any examples to work from.

Note: My actual use case for this is classes offered on different days with different payment options through WooCommerce Subscriptions:

Product: Learning Seminar

  • Attribute 1: Class Day – Mon at 1 p.m. | Wed at 10 a.m.
  • Attribute 2: Payment Options – Single Payment | 2 Payments | 4 Payments

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1 comment

  1. I know this is a super old question, but I’ve had several clients ask for this type of attribute-based stock management, so I ended up developing a plugin for it: Attribute Stock for WooCommerce

    The idea is that you can set stock directly on attribute terms which will get deducted appropriately when matching products are purchased.

    For example: You can set your stock on each of the Size attribute terms and disable stock management for the product/variations so that stock is only managed at the attribute level.

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