WooCommerce checkout – how to give free shipping for a specific address

The following code will allow free shipping for a specific product:

    function wcs_my_free_shipping( $is_available ) {
    global $woocommerce;

    // set the product ids that are eligible
    $eligible = array( '360' );

    // get cart contents
    $cart_items = $woocommerce->cart->get_cart();

    // loop through the items looking for one in the eligible array
    foreach ( $cart_items as $key => $item ) {
        if( in_array( $item['product_id'], $eligible ) ) {
            return true;

    // nothing found return the default value
    return $is_available;
   add_filter( 'woocommerce_shipping_free_shipping_is_available', 'wcs_my_free_shipping', 20 );

What I would like to do is allow free shipping not for a product, but for a specific street and zip code combination in the delivery address. I found out how to check this for a logged-in user, but can’t seem to find the right variables that have this information at checkout. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Thanks in advance,

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  1. There are Shipping zones available in Woocommerce already. For each specific zone you can set the shipping method either “Flat rate” or “Free Shipping”. You can check it under Woocommerce->Settings. Find Shipping tab.

    Screenshot for shipping tab

  2. Yes you can, there is an extra parameter you can pass into this hook names $package.
    for eg.

       add_filter( 'woocommerce_shipping_free_shipping_is_available', 'wcs_my_free_shipping', 20,2 );
    function wcs_my_free_shipping( $is_available, $package){
    //Your code for free shipping  for a selected address found in $package
    return $is_available

    $package contains the address you entered so you can use this to apply free shipping for selected zip codes or streets

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