I tried to find anything about adding a widget within a widget area. That widget should be a widget group / sub widget area.
I’ve found a plugin that does this:
- http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/extensible-widgets/
- http://jidd.jimisaacs.com/files/2010/02/wpew-screen-9.png
What I really want is to dynamically create something like this without the help from plugins:
Any bright ideas?
if you take a look at Tabber Tabs Widget plugin does it you will see that it creates a widget and a new “sidebar”, now if you place widgets in that sidebar they will show only where you place the plugins widget.
and if you look at what Tabbed Widgets plugin does, it creates a widgets that pulls a list of all registered widgets in to a dropdown and lets you choose which ones you want.
both seem like nice ways to achieve that , depends on what you need.