Users install plugins which disable update reminders.
Look at the counter of plugins downloads.
I know that some users change the WordPress core files or plugin or theme files, but there is WordPress hooks and child themes.
If user will disable the updates:
- user will not see new features of newer WP versions or plugins or themes;
- user will use software without bug fixes and probably with security issues
So why users disable the WordPress update? Is there any other reasons disabling updates except of modifying the files?
I know that when i disable the WordPress updates its mainly to allow me to first test the updates and then go and update in my clients sites instead of them just clicking links around and usually messing things up.
.Users disable update because in some configurations the requests needed to check if the update is necesary time-out adding 3seconds of waiting for the first byte back from wordpress (ie update adds 3 seconds of waiting to some requests)