I’ve been working on this for hours and can’t figure out how to insert/update NULL
values for columns. For example, I have a block of code
case 'add':
$message = $wpdb->insert('projs', array('compname' => $compname, 'projname' => $projname, 'imageurl' => $imageurl, 'sumsmall' => $sumsmall, 'sumfull' => $sumfull, 'results' => $results, 'caseid' => $caseid, 'hide' => $hide))
? 'Successfully added project to the database.'
: 'Error occurred when trying to add project to database: ' . $wpdb->last_error;
and whenever it is executed with $caseid
being equal to null
(in PHP land) the query fails with wpdb->last_error
Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails
(‘my_table_name’, ‘projs’, CONSTRAINT ‘projs_ibfk_1’ FOREIGN KEY
(‘caseid’) REFERENCES ‘cases’ (‘id’) ON DELETE SET NULL
For reference, the tables projs and cases are created during installation with
// Add table to hold the project portfolio
if ($wpdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'projs'") != 'projs')
$wpdb->query("CREATE TABLE projs (id MEDIUMINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, compname VARCHAR (200), projname VARCHAR (200), imageurl VARCHAR(300), sumsmall VARCHAR (250), sumfull VARCHAR (5000), results VARCHAR (5000), postdate DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, caseid MEDIUM INT, FOREIGN KEY (caseid) REFERENCES cases(id) ON DELETE SET NULL) $charset_collate");
// Add table to hold the case studies
if ($wpdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'cases'") != 'cases')
$wpdb->query("CREATE TABLE cases (id MEDIUMINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, compname VARCHAR (200), casename VARCHAR (200), imageurl VARCHAR(300), summary VARCHAR (5000), results VARCHAR (5000), postdate DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) $charset_collate");
and I don’t see how inserting a NULL
value for caseid
in projs
violates anything.
It’s not that it isn’t letting you insert a
value in general. It’s that it is specifically not letting you insert aNULL
value intocaseid
.Because of the foreign key constraint linking
to theid
column incases
, it is expecting a value equal to one of thoseid
s.You should have no trouble inserting
values into any of the other columns (exceptid
, of course.)MySQL’s
function expects to be called on aTIMESTAMP
datatype, notDATETIME
.Note the
will cause issues if the table is InnoDB