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There are so many plugins out there. Whose plugins can we always trust?
Please share a list of completely reliable plugin authors, along with links to their plugins pages.
This question is modeled on Best Collection of Code for your functions.php file
Alex King
Mark Jaquith
Stephen Rider
Justin Tadlock
Joost “Yoast” de Valk
Proverbial from the horse’s mouth. 🙂
Alex M (Viper007Bond) (no.1 in terms of number)
Alex King
Not directly answering the question, but I’ve set up a Google Custom Search Engine just to find reliable answers to my WP questions, using most of these authors as the source sources. I add more as I find someone reliable and knowledgeable.
Check it out here: WordPress Developers Custom Search Engine
Ones that I have on it that are missing from this list are:
Andrew Nacin
Vladimir Prelovac
Joseph Scott
Denis de Bernardy