While Using Static Pages, How Can I Get /blog into the URL of Each Post?

I have WordPress installed on the root of my website. It is using a static homepage and posts page. As it stands, each post will look like this example.com/blogpostname.

I don’t want to use category workaround where you set the default post’s category to blog, it seems more like a workaround than a solution.

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1 comment

  1. In admin under Settings > Permalinks, select Custom Structure and enter /blog/%postname%/.

    This will prepend /blog/ to categories and tags by default, and any custom post types and taxonomies where you have not registered them with the with_front argument set to false. you can remove it from the built-in category and tag taxonomies by setting category base and tag base (also under Settings > Permalinks) to category and tag, respectively (or whatever you want your bases to be). The end result will be that only posts will contain the blog prefix.

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